Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Announcement

Saturday, October 6, 2012, is a date millions will remember. The announcement came in the 10AM session of General Conference by Thomas S. Monson:

"I am pleased to announce that effective immediately all worthy and able young men who have graduated from high school or its equivalent, regardless of where they live, will have the option of being recommended for missionary service beginning at the age of 18, instead of age 19...

Today I am pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21."

Adam was shocked. "I can go now. I can go now." He jumped up and down (literally) as he spoke to his bosom lifelong friend. 


And that's how this new adventure began....or should I say, advanced by 9 months.

Three weeks later and he's only awaiting his Stake President's interview.

However, it seems like yesterday when he said the following (Age 3 1/2):

“Help me that I can go on a mission and help my dog go on a mission too.”

Or at age six, "Mom, when I'm on my mission will you take care of my legos?"

Or when he was baptized:


Or when he was praying at 8 1/2: "Please bless me that I can go on a mission to Mexico so I can buy a switch blade knife."

And his Priesthood progression:

These boys never would have thought they'd be serving so close together:

And here we are:

His Mission Photo Submission

From Adam's Journal: "Last weekend in General Conference, they announced the missionary age limit change. Men can leave at 18 and women at 19 (as opposed to 19 and 21 previously). I get to leave early, but probably not until April. I am thrilled at the prospect of more missionaries. We are to give our whole hearts and minds to serving the Lord. This is how it should be, complete service to God and His people."

"To every young man I would say, do you want to be happy? If so, come and join with us, 52,000 strong and counting, and serve your fellow man as a missionary for the Lord. Make the commitment to give two years of your life to the Lord. It wi
ll change everything. You will be happy. The fog will lift. You will come to love the culture and the people you are called to serve. The work will be difficult, but there will also be great satisfaction and joy as you serve. If you are faithful during your mission and thereafter, you will look back on your life and say with President Hinckley, 'Everything that has happened to me since that’s been good I can trace to that decision to serve a mission and give my life to the Lord.'" David F. Evans - April, 2006 General Conference