Sunday, November 18, 2012

Where in the World?

While waiting for the mission call, we've been compiling guesses from family and friends as to where he may serve. Here is the list so far:

Dad - Thailand
Anna - Connecticut
Bethany - Hawaii or Brazil
John - Texas or Alaska
Nicole - Korea
Eden - California
Ben - S. Korea or Chile
Olivia - Germany or Italy
Spencer - India or California
Mom - Taiwan, Florida, or Peru
Grandma L. - South America or Eastern Europe
Uncle John - Central America
Lizzy - Paris, France
Evan - Texas
Char  - Las Vegas
Karla - California, Spanish speaking
Thomas - Taiwan
Emma - Sweden
Joseph - Mexico
Uncle Scott - Mexico
Megan - Guatemala
Aunt Chrissie - Japan
Michael - Europe
Aunt Susie - Mexico
Aunt Kath - Louisville, KY
Uncle Mark - Detriot, MI
Josh - Costa Rica
Matt - Argentina
Sam - Africa
Aunt Jenny - Eastern Europe
Uncle Stephen - Accra, Ghana
Hannah - Hong Kong
Kassie - South America
David - Nevada
Amy - Italy
Uncle Josh - San Antonio, TX
Aunt Wendy - Australia
Chelsey - Peru
Sydney- Canada
Megan- Germany
Kaden- California
Carlton - Mexico or South Africa
Linda - South America
Eliza- Japan
Kyle - Provo
Makenna - Russia
TJ - South America
Hannah - South America 
Mr. Swenson - Nuku'alofa, Tonga (heaven on earth!) 
Aunt Lanie - Kansas
Jordan - Houston, TX
Brenden - Paris, France 
Lauren - Spain 
Betsey - Seattle, Tennessee, China 
Hannah - Germany
John - Mexico City 
Ruel - South America

We'll add more as they come in!
"My earnest hope for each of you young men is that you will not simply go on a mission-but that you will become missionaries long before you submit your mission papers, long before you receive a call to serve, long before you are set apart by your stake president, and long before you enter the MTC." - David A. Bednar

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