Dear Family and Friends,
WOW, what a
week. Seriously, it's been nuts but a very good week all things
considered. First off, I'm going to talk about my kid and my experience
getting him:
So Tuesday
morning, I and Elder Pineda (an Elder that I was doing splits with)
headed for the mission office to go pick up our kids. We were pretty
silent on the way over...we were both pretty thoughtful as to whom we
would be training. Anyways, we were the first missionaries there so we
waited for the rest of the trainers to come until finally the mission
president told us all the trainees had arrived and we were needed to
help take all the bags into the church. As we did, I was looking at all
the faces trying to determine who would be my kid...didn't work, ha!
Fortunately, President Wright assigned us our companions right away so
we weren't waiting in anticipation too much. My companion is a gringo
named Elder Kern. He is from Provo, Utah, is 18 years old and reminds me
a bit of myself when I came into the mission field (I'll explain why a
little later). I felt an instant love and connection to him right after
our names were read and I am so excited to be able to teach him how to
be a missionary, teach him Spanish, and have some success. Anyways, we
were trained on a lot of good things and it was neat to see the things
that my old companion and I didn't do as well last change that we are
going to be better about now. Anyways, we started out for our sector and
I noticed some things that reminded me of myself: Elder Kern wants to
be very obedient and has been hoping and praying for an obedient
companion. As we were riding the bus to the metro, he was flying all
over the place with his suitcases! We dropped off his suitcases at home
which we left to be unpacked later that day. We went to lunch at the
Quezada family's house. E' Frost and I ate there on my first day too and
just like me, Elder Kern didn't understand anything that Hermano or
Hermana Quezada were saying! It was a little comical because I remember
being there 4 months ago and as he told me his struggles and his despairing belief that he would never learn Spanish, I was reminded of
myself and how I thought the exact same things!!! :) Haha, his legs hurt
from walking all day and he was dead from the whole day's work.
Anyways, I love Elder Kern, he's a good missionary, he's working hard,
and we're being obedient which is all I could have asked for :)
We're working really hard with an investigator named
F. We've taught him the first three lessons and he has agreed
to be baptized if God helps him quit smoking. Anyways, we started
focusing on that! :) He has a big smoking a BIG smoking
problem! He usually smokes about 30-40 cigarettes a day and he says he
can remember smoking like 60 cigarettes in a day before... It is NUTS!
So, we created a plan for him to drop cigarettes each day! He agreed to
the plan and we told him that the only way he can drop the habit is by
reading the BofM each day, praying each day, and going to church every
week. We're also calling him every day at 1:00 p.m. to check up on him.
So far, Friday he smoked 6 cigarettes, Saturday
he smoked 5, and we're still waiting to find out about yesterday. So far
he is doing pretty good :) Haha, we're going to ask him about his wife
and son and about teaching them. I was a bit nervous about it at the
start but then it donned on me that this is the BEST way! Hope it goes
well :D
Yesterday for Sunday
School, the missionaries and the ward mission leader out here taught the
ward about how to share the gospel. We taught using the talk: I
taught the part about service. Conversion is all about feeling the
spirit and recognizing it. Non-members usually don't feel the influence
of the spirit because they are around a lot of non-members generally.
Service is a way to bring the spirit and when there are a lot of people
with the Gift of the Holy Ghost around non-members in an environment
that brings the spirit, they're going to feel different...they are going
to feel something good, something they want to feel again and they are
going to ask members about it and right there is how we can start
sharing the gospel. I would encourage you all to take the talk and read
it in your families and start planning activities with your non-member
friends and begin to share the gospel with them. Then call up the
missionaries with a referral and help the missionaries get to know the
people and help them through the process.
Anyways, that's the basic run-down for the week! My
companion and I are going to try and rock it like crazy this week! Hope
it all goes well! :)
Love you all!
Elder Adam Bushman
![]() |
Zone Conference: I Spy Elder Bushman....4th row (2nd from the Right) |
- Heber J. Grant
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