Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Yr 2, Week 21: All of them have Baptismal Dates for the 7th of September

Dear Family and Friends,

Well, this has been a good week! There's not much to report so I'll keep it simple... Here's a little update on our investigators:

I and M -- I has a baptism date for the 7th of September as does her daughter, M. I is reading the BofM, she's dropped tea (which has been a big stumbling block for her), and things are going great. We need to make sure they are both good with the lessons in preach my gospel but they are getting really ready. I told us that before when she was meeting with the missionaries, she didn't really want to give up tea or read or go to church so when she was faced with the decision, she decided not to instead. Now she has the desire and it is showing in everything she does. She's learning a lot and she's having a lot of spiritual experiences :)

J and C -- They are both doing well. We taught J the first part of the plan of salvation and he really liked it. He's had a retention difficulty, so it surprised me when he was really retaining the information we were teaching him. We taught a lot about repentance and the atonement and it was neat to hear him say that he just wants to keep making changes in his life so he can be more like Christ. He is really focused on his goal and things are doing well. Also, C is praying on his own and is also remembering everything we are teaching him. He's a really good kid and they are definitely getting baptized. C's mom and dad, P and R have a date to get married at the end of December so that's a start for them :D

All of them have baptismal dates for the 7th of September and we are really confident that they will be baptized :)

We've had a few spiritual experiences this week that have been very edifying and though I don't have time to share them right now, they will be revealed in future years as people read my missionary journals :)

Love you all, Elder Bushman
"The course of our lives is not determined by great, awesome decisions. Our direction is set by the little day-to-day choices which chart the track on which we run."
. . . . . . . . ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

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