Monday, February 9, 2015

Yr. 2, Week 46: Studying the Scriptures with Temple Eyes

Dear Family and Friends,

Things have been really good and this week was awesome! We had some sweet miracles and we met some new people and we had some really awesome lessons. Here are some of the highlights:

This week Elder Deal and I went to the temple to do an endowment session. It was really, really cool, I loved it. We both went quite prepared. We had talked about some things and we both did some studies and thought of some questions when we went. The night before we went, I personally read Alma 33 and I loved that chapter. I began to understand that truly praying and worshiping God is in having a relationship with Him. V. 3-11 talk about how God hears our prayers and that he answers us through the scriptures. Even though the Zoramites were thrown out of their synagogues, they still could pray and read the scriptures. I loved verse 16 because God is so saddened when we don't want to understand Christ's sacrifice. It makes me glad that he wouldn't be mad at me because I am sincerely trying to understand it. Verse 22 was great as well because it talks about how sure Alma was when he said that Christ would come. :D Anyways, when I went to the temple, I just understood so much better everything. A few things I learned in the temple:

1. God loved Adam and Eve so much that it was a big act of love that they put the cheribums and flaming sword in front of the tree of live (that was explained even more to me this week as I read Alma 42. 

2. It truly isn't meet than man should be alone.

3. God's plan ALWAYS included the fall and the need for a Redeemer. 

Anyways, Elder Deal and I talked a lot about the things we had learned and we have more questions for next time. I am very excited to go again and I've been studying the scriptures with temple eyes so as to understand and see the hints and signs and hidden references to the temple and the ordinances therein. 

This week we found some new investigators super awesome. WE FOUND 8, which is probably the most I've found in one week in the mission. Here they are:

F: this is a less-active's daughter who, by invitation of him and us, went to church two weeks ago. So we visited with her and taught her a bit of lesson one. She's 15 and really has a great desire and she loved church. It was interesting to see how the spirit touched her heart and although she is pretty shy, she was able to be outgoing and make some good friends.

H, V, S & C: Last Monday we contacted V. and, although she said that she was catholic and that she wasn't going to change religions, she said that we could go by and see her son who was having some struggles. We went by on Friday and when we got there, H., S. and C. all tried to flee so V was like let's just sit outside...but we were like, can we at least meet them? Haha, so we went in and introduced ourselves and H. and V. started talking with us first. Then C. joined and after a second invitation, S. came and we had an AWESOME first lesson. We talked about coming unto Christ and repentance and how we do that through prayer. We said a prayer with them as a family and invited them to say one as a family once a day. When we left V. was like, "You guys were sent from the Heavens." Haha, she was really happy. :D 

M: This guy is a very learned Christian and has lots of really educated questions in regards to the Book of Mormon and our restored gospel. It has been interesting. He has read up until Alma in the BofM and he's been leaving us homework and certain stuff so that's fun, haha! :D He's a cool guy and really wants to keep meeting with us. We are just worried that he might be too focused on learning by study instead of by faith. :S But we'll see. 

J and P: These guys were cool. We talked to J one day when we were looking for a reference. He lied to us and said that his name was S. because he thought we were never going to come back. Well we did a few times and we finally saw them yesterday. We talked about getting to know God. P. is really religious and she is clearly sad that J. isn't very believing. However, she said that it was incredible that he was listening to us and at the end of the lesson he agreed to pray. It was a sweet lesson because she was like come over every day and J. really likes us! :D They are pretty darn humble and I think they could progress fast. 

We haven't met with C, G, etc. much this week because they are on vacation, and so is the story with many others... :)

Well that's everything folks! I'll keep you updated!

Elder Bushman
This is called "Lentejas con Chorizo"...this is a typical Chilean dish, and I made it all by my self the other day for lunch. It was pretty good :)

Elder Deal and I went to the temple for a session. IT WAS AWESOME!!!

This is Me, Elder Carvalho, and Elder Prens. My great-grandkid, and my grandkid :D

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